We are a partnership of schools from Denmark, Greece, Italy, Norway, Poland and the UK. We will use exciting new technology such as Web 2.0 to create an innovative project whereby staff and students from all our partner schools will be able to work collaboratively to explore, debate and learn about a range of scientific, cultural and environmental topics. We will develop innovative ICT-based content, enabling lifelong learning for our staff and students. Teachers in our partner schools will develop professionally sharing best pedagogical practice.
We will think outside the box using a virtual environment that will challenge current ways of communicating, learning and developing ideas, working creatively to find solutions to real world issues. Our virtual environment will include, cultural, scientific and environmental games and quests, invented by partners working in internationals teams. This will be open to all of our Comenius community members to play, learn and explore and will help to develop the knowledge and understanding among all our young people about the value and diversity of European cultures. They will be made aware of the importance of living a healthy, sustainable lifestyle and challenged to collaborate to solve environmental and scientific issues.
The life-skills and competences partners acquire from involvement with all aspects of our Comenius Project will enrich their personal development and help to prepare them for future employment and for active European citizenship, breaking down the barriers of racism and xenophobia. English is our main project language but all participants will also be encouraged to share key vocabulary and ideas in their mother European language with other partners.
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